Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Time for Regular Posts

This evening, I realized the thoughts I have are not known to others. For more than 50 years, I've had an ongoing dialogue that I only recently realized was internal. Part of the reason for the retarded response to this realization is because I've been working in journalism, one of the fields where the internal dialogue may have a chance to burst upon the external.

There are a few close friends and colleagues, either exposed intentionally or otherwise, who have been exposed to this mindstream. They have, on the whole, been supportive and often curious.

Tonight, this revelation has confirmed the reason for getting these internal musings into the wild.

My hope, my plan is to provide daily musings. Many of these may relate to my daily commute along Highway 169 in Tulsa, Okla. I appreciate comments and dialogue.


Thursday, February 19, 2015

Legislative Intent

I had lunch today with one of my favorite journalists. He is one of those reporters who if told by someone, "The sun will rise tomorrow morning," would want to know how the source knows this will happen.

While we dined on some fine barbecue from Big Anthony's, we discussed a few of the crazy things going on in the Oklahoma Capitol building. Neither of us was surprised by what was going on, but it did make me think of a phrase courts sometimes use to determine how a law actually works in the real world: legislative intent.

It seems many members of the Oklahoma legislature are concerned with their legislative intent proving the crazy ideas posed by some of their constituents are good enough for the rest of us living north of the Red River and south of Wichita.

Despite this type of legislative intent, and the seemingly constant supply of anti-Obama bills, the Oklahoma Constitution, in its first section, recognizes the Constitution of the United States as the supreme law of the land.

This same section, with apologies to Rep. Sally Kern and others, also says no one living here will be molested for their type of worship. There is a proviso at the end that does prohibit some activity. Read it yourself:

Perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured, and
no inhabitant of the State shall ever be molested in person or
property on account of his or her mode of religious worship; and no
religious test shall be required for the exercise of civil or
political rights.  Polygamous or plural marriages are forever

I am ordering bumper stickers next week saying, "Perfect toleration of religious sentiment shall be secured." I think our lawmakers need to refresh their understanding of what it means to exercise religion in Oklahoma. Religious sentiment is not a monolithic idol, nor a monolithic idea. May those who we elect come to this understanding.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mental Health Break Time

While I spend a good deal of my day writing and editing, it's a much more structured process, and it includes looking at spreadsheets. So, I'm going to start using some of my break time at the office for these brief mental health posts.

I've been traveling more across Oklahoma, including several trips to Bartlesville, Okla. My time there is a re-introduction to the community. I attended half of seventh grade and all of eighth grade at Bartlesville's Central Junior High. While those grades are sometimes difficult for students, I had a wonderful time at the school.

Being in the community recently reminds me of the things I liked as an adolescent: the arts and culture, the philanthropy, the kind people, and the unique existence of a corporate center not tied to a major city.

One recent example of how amazing Bartlesville is comes from the recent campaign for the Bartlesville Regional United Way. The campaign came in over its goal, bringing in $2.5 million. Doing the math, that's about $70 for every person in the community. That kind of result in a town of 36,000 people is amazing.

I can't leave this mental health post without reporting on the last meal I had in Bartlesville. It was at Murphy's Steak House. I had the gravy over all. You can read more from the Sterns because it's time for me to get back to work.

Break over.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

New Job, New Town

I'm putting more energy into this blog after a change of scenery and employment.

After years as the news director at a public radio station serving the Oklahoma City metro, my wife's job took us to south Tulsa. We now live in Bixby, Okla., but are still keeping our downtown Oklahoma City condo.

Bixby is an interesting community. I've learned to tell Tulsa people we live "south" of the river; that seems to make immediate sense. My commute to my job with the Eastern Oklahoma Region of the American Red Cross is almost identical in length to the commute I had before moving.

The housing addition where we live has a wheat field across from it. The drive home not only takes me over the Arkansas River, but also has me passing by sod farms and acres of corn. Driving over the river each day and seeing the sun glimmering off the east or west revives my spirit, encouraging me for the day.

Anyway, the "bloglahoma" blog will be taking on more of a northeast Oklahoma flair, and serve as an outlet for some thoughts and observations that come from change.

Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The New Speaker

State Rep. T.W. Shannon leaves behind one of the top leadership posts in Oklahoma politics to seek his political future in Washington, D.C. Last legislative session, the speaker was somewhat popular among right-wing Republicans nationally, traveling to talk and having some visits of officials here.

But who is next to have the corner office with the conference room on the east side of the state capitol? Three names are floated among the House membership: Jeff Hickman, Mike Jackson and Jason Nelson. I'm thinking Nelson is a long shot, though he has a reputation as a very hard worker and open access to the media. I've called his office at odd times through the year and almost always find him at work.

I don't know Hickman and Jackson as well, but I find Hickman's approach to policy debates in the more reasoned realm in House. Jackson is now acting as speaker in Shannon's absence because he is the Speaker Pro Tempore. Maybe he can pull together enough votes in the Republican caucus to become the newest leader of the chamber.

Jackson's performance before reporters at last week's Associated Press legislative forum was less than stellar, but he was also put on that stage because Shannon picked that same day to formally announce his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Tom Coburn.

So, if I were a betting person, which I'm not (that includes the state lottery; a tax for people who can't do math), my money would be on Jackson, but don't count out Hickman.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Amnesia or Ignorance, Gov. Mary Fallin Denies Knowing Costs of Corrections Reform

I haven't posted in some time, but with the legislative session coming soon, I'm back.

Late Friday afternoon, I attended a media availability with Gov. Mary Fallin to talk about corrections. I think she lied to Oklahomans.

After questioning by one reporter and a direct follow up by me, Gov. Fallin said no one knew the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, a major reform of the state's criminal justice system, would cost money. That is either a lie or an amazing level of ignorance.

Then-House Speaker Kris Steele repeatedly told the Capitol press corps, sitting in his conference office, that the plan would cost money up front, for a return in the future. We asked him where the funds would come from? He would respond that it was possible.

I attended a luncheon, hosted by Lt. Gov. Todd Lamb outlining the entire process of the JRI. There was widespread support for the initiative, from the Oklahoma City police department up, it was viewed as a way for Oklahoma to be "smart" on crime.

Gov. Fallin's response to the questions Friday were interspersed with her assurance that she made the decisions in her administration, not her staff.

I'm not so sure, and my trust in Oklahoma's chief executive is greatly reduced.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

House Democrats Stay on Message

It's easy for reporters at the state Capitol to quickly tire of the "same old story." There are lawmakers whose actions any legislative observer can usually predict.
I've personally tired of the House Democrats' "it doesn't add up," "the math doesn't work," phrases. Those words have been a part of every press availability I've attended so far this session.
While I've tired of those words, they still make a certain amount of sense.
The term, "cut and starve," could be the response to "tax and spend." I'm sure there is some middle ground.
Late this afternoon, House members participated in a roast of sorts of Democratic House member Richard Morrissette. He is often on the prickly end of debates on the floor, holding feet to the fire.
The House I saw came together in support of a member they often disagree with on his bill related to elimination of the red cedar (though I've been told it's redcedar, and I haven't taken the time to check this out) scourge from Oklahoma's land.
There were impersonations, questions reflecting tough legislative debates in a playful manner, and a general camaraderie of those we elect to make our laws.
The "debate" left me wondering if the idealogical divide isn't nearly as wide as it appears.